Leaders of Leaders Podcast

Evan Herrman talks Biblical Growth and Discipleship on Leaders of Leaders Podcast with Aaron Guyett

Aaron Guyett & Evan Herrman Season 1 Episode 20

Evan Herrman is the podcast host of the whole person podcast and a real estate broker. Evan Specializes in personal growth and wholeness in the areas of faith, family, finances friendship, fitness and fun.


This ministry is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through mass evangelism, tent ministry, street ministry and church revival. We are also equipping followers of Jesus to do evangelism in their own community. We partner with churches so that new converts have a place to be discipled and loved. We believe that the ministry of salvation must be followed up with discipleship.

Christianity is being hijacked by progressivism. We do not need progressive christianity we need BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY rooted in the truth of God’s word. People need to know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. That God loves humanity so much that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. People need to be confronted with truth in love so that they see the sacrifice that Jesus made and have a better understanding so they can enter into a relationship with Him.


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What's going on everybody welcome to another leaders of leaders podcast I have an awesome guest for you today I've got Evan Herman so Evan Herman he is the podcast host to the whole person podcast and.

Evan Herrman

As a real estate broker Evan specializes in personal growth and wholeness in the areas of faith family finances, friendship fitness and fun. All the f's well not all the f's and we were just talking about that prior to. Jumping on the podcast. Evan thanks so much for hopping on exactly exactly I definitely wouldn't reach the Target demographic on this on this show.

Evan Herrman
Thank you, You know I thought about calling my podcast the F you podcast but I figured I wouldn't reach the target demographic that I wanted to talk to.

Ah, considering we are unapologetically disciples in Christ here. Um at the same time I also know that we are human. Um, and so in that humanness talk to me a little bit about. Ah, the whole person or the whole human this whole this concept of of whole where did that come from. How did how did you um settle on that as sort of the the main sort of thesis of what it is that you talk about considering you're talking about so many different things.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, absolutely so it starts off with Jesus number one when when we look at wholeness in him we have life in him or through him we were created you know when we look at John Juan in the beginning was the word. The word was with god the word was god in him. Through him everything that was made was made and then fast. Forward There's a guy named or roberts university sorry there's a guy named or Roberts who made a university called o are you and I went to school there and their motto was the whole person which was spirit mind and body and I really didn't.

A a.

Evan Herrman
Dive too far into the whole concept of the whole person. But then as I became an adult. There was 1 thing that I was majorly lacking in my life and that was peace and it affected every area of my life.



You know.

Evan Herrman
All those f's that you mentioned and each one of those f's bled into the other and I realized this is kind of the whole person. This is kind of the most important parts of every life and so how do I have peace that isn't circumstantial and.


Evan Herrman
Through a process god showed me that my piece was based off of my circumstances and not the authenticity of being with Christ. My piece was in him despite circumstances and it was in that moment where it's like okay so it doesn't matter if these are going well or not that's not where my piece derives from and so what does peace look like and so that kind of.


Evan Herrman
Started my process with the whole person which I learned along the way and learned a lot of amazing things in these areas.

Yeah, that's ah man that's so good. Um, yeah, you want to talk about a whole person so we all often say because this is the leaders of leaders podcasts I'm like the leader of leaders is Jesus Christ um that's where we can get our understanding of true leadership.

Evan Herrman
I know.

And and even if you want to talk about it like in terms of impact in terms of followers right? All all of these quantitative metrics or whatever. It's there but also and I think more importantly, the intangibles and the qualitative metrics. The things that are harder to measure right? not circumstantial like like you're saying um.

Evan Herrman

Evan Herrman
Yeah, yeah.

But it's the same thing like who was the most whole person. Well Jesus Christ because he was you know fully man but also fully god and also fully intimately connected with god through his entire life whereas us humans. Obviously we have sin we have a dilemma. We have an issue and we create.

Evan Herrman

These deceptive narratives these stories ah about like oh if I just had more money or if I just had a better body if I just had you know whatever insert the thing that you're chasing after and oftentimes at least this has been my understanding is I'll get some of those things or one of those things and I'll like. For lack of a better term crush it you know a very modern term of it and then come it. It comes and I'm I'm like man I'm I'm leftfound wanting like I still would want more So. How do you square then because obviously I think finances.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, so.

Can be and and are important fitness can be and is important right? If our ah if our body is the holy spirit's temple right? there there are biblical reasons I think for these things. How do you square that and how do you enter that if if. It's not a circumstantial whole person. But these things can seem very circumstantial if you look at them. You know, kind of 1 at a time. Um, how do you square that um in in your kind of understanding of it or or your presentation of it.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, so John 17 17 wait. No, that's the wrong scripture that's sanctify them with the truth. Your word is truth how John 1617 John's so some 16 John something it says.


Evan Herrman
In me, you may have peace but in the world you have tribulation but be of good cheer because I've overcome the world and what I've realized is in every one of those areas of life I'm constantly going to have to fight for peace and wholeness because the world is full.



Evan Herrman
Of Sin and it's corrupt and it's decaying every single area of life the most whole in humanity we've ever been was in the garden when we didn't have to toil. We just existed with God but when we moved outside the garden.


Are a.

Evan Herrman
We then had to toil and there is a part of learning how to both be and to toil and that is a very difficult line to follow and so for me what I've learned is because yeah you know not having enough money that is circumstantial.

Um, a.

Evan Herrman
And that means I need to work on that area that problem or if my health isn't great. What I've learned and honestly I interviewed Mark cuban once on my podcast and had 5 minutes and it's the only audio that ever failed. Okay so I never got to produce it.

No, ah.

Evan Herrman
But one of the things I asked him is how do you keep so balanced in your life because you have so many things going on and ego is because I've learned to live out of balance and I've been chasing this idea of balance for a very long time and what I realized.


Evan Herrman
Through that conversation is the reason why he has what he has is because he learned how to live out of balance on purpose in one area and then let that be the lead domino that affected so many other areas and when he told me that I was just like oh my gosh. So if my anxiety.


Evan Herrman
Is up that's affecting my family that's affecting my relationships that's affecting how I show up in the workplace. That's affecting how I have fun that's affecting every one of those F's so then what do I need to do I need to over focus on the anxiety.

A a.

Evan Herrman
Problem of my life. Okay, what causes anxiety. Okay, so oh I didn't know this food trigger Some of the foods can trigger anxiety like caffeine I've cut out caffeine Fried Chicken Pepper tomatoes like these things can cause anxiety. Okay, so now that I've learned about anxiety is there another area that I can move on to that's struggling right now my marriage has been having challenges for for a long time and it's come to a head. We're like you know what? this isn't getting better by itself. And my wife saw me make progress when I was going through therapy and so she's like well what if we did therapy for our marriage is like Yes, Thank you? Fine! Let's do that? Yeah please. But now we're getting equipped with tools to to better Communicate. We're not you know, looking to divorce each Other. We're looking to.

A bit.

A. And.

Evan Herrman
Grow and be better in our marriage and guess what that's going to affect our parenting that's going to affect the way we hold our relationship in terms of what we do and don't do in our expectations that's going to move in towards how we handle our finances that's going to move into our ability to have fun. That's gonna. Moving to our ability of showing up in our spiritual life at church and in our own ministry that we have so whatever problem is the biggest in your life focus through biblical personal Growth. How can you fight that How can you.

Um, yeah.

Evan Herrman
Overcome that area and then that will transcend and open up so many other avenues for healing in other areas.

Yeah I usually say um to to most people that talk about you know, having balance or or and I usually say the thing I'm I'm unabashedly. Ah, okay, with confrontation and so I'm like I always go i. I just think balance is bull crap you know and um and sometimes at ah, an expletive. That's not crap. Ah, but I'm like you know balance is bull crap you know and and my whole thoughtline in that is is very much like you're saying. It's like it's not that it's not that we shouldn't have. Peace like you were saying in all of these areas or shouldn't have health in all of these areas of our life marriage or or finances or or fitness or ah or fun or health or whatever the case might be um, it's not that we shouldn't have health but I think. We we are looking at it wrong and it's so good that that what Mark Cuben said and and what you expounded on I think is is exactly what I'm talking about it's like no, it's priority and and if the priority is you know if we're making the priority god and improving the most important relationship in our life.

Evan Herrman

Evan Herrman
Well and and let's take that one step further because dude I'm going to be honest, reading my bible and praying a lot didn't help my anxiety So what do I do and.

Then Wow imagine that all of our other relationships are all of a sudden doing better. You know, or yeah.

Evan Herrman
I invited God into the process all right God I don't know anything about this I'm inviting you into the process to teach me both through scripture and through psychology through food. Whatever way to help me through this please show up and help and then I started interviewing someone on my own podcast about.



Evan Herrman
Anxiety um vaguely and then afterwards he just told me his story and then I was like okay dude we're going to do another podcast because that was amazing and then it just started like literally it started eating ice cream with some friends and my heart rate was up.

Um, yeah.

Evan Herrman
And I felt sick and I was like I think I'm gonna have to go I don't feel good and this was always happened and I always thought I was just not feeling good and then our friend was like I think you might have anxiety that was new to me and so when you're having issues. Ask God to show up and when you're having a whole bunch of issues.


Evan Herrman
Just hey God Where do I start and then the other aspect too is peace because despite all those things going wrong in in our life or in our world If our situations are good Most of the time we'll feel peaceful but how can we have peace without.


Evan Herrman
Those things being good and I go back to two stories the disciples in the boat. Okay and then meshak sha had reckon and bendigo before King Nebuchadnezzar the disciples were in the boat with Jesus when Jesus was asleep in a storm and the disciples were afraid they were going to die.

Um, okay.

Evan Herrman
Think about this these were fishermen who lived out on the sea most of their life. So for them to be freaked out of a storm it had to have been pretty bad and then they go to Jesus who was asleep and they say Lord Lord don't you care that we're going to die and then he.

And. Yeah.

Evan Herrman
Wakes up rebukes the storm and this says oh you have little faith. They had the physical manifestation of Jesus Christ with them and they didn't have peace. Let's re rewind to the old testament meak shadrack and a bendigo wouldn't bow down to the idol. That Nebuchadnezzar created and then nebuchadnezzar gave them another chance and they wouldn't do it and then they're taken before nebuchadnezzar like all right I really like you guys, you're smart just bow down before this idol and we're good and then I don't know which one of the 3 it was but says o king. We're not going to bow down before your idol we believe in our god and I'm paraphrasing this we believe in our god but this is where like the mic drop moment happens. He goes. We trust our god will save us and if he doesn't even if he doesn't save us from your hand we still won't bow down before you're idol.


Evan Herrman
That was a might drop moment saying whether he protects us or whether he doesn't We're still not going to follow through their piece was not in their circumstance. Their piece was fully in God and the relationship that they had with him and so.


Yeah, yeah, you know well and then didn't they wasn't there a fourth ah shadow in the in the fire which is interesting because you use those two stories as like.

Evan Herrman

Evan Herrman
Um, yeah, no he did he did it? Yeah I would agree well not only that. But so so let's take that one step further king number kenja said I thought we threw 3 men in the fire isn't there fourth because the other one looks like.

That Jesus Christ was that's the physical manifestation. It was at least angel of god angel of the lord you know? whatever? Yeah, but it's like man that's pretty intense.

Evan Herrman
The son of god and think about this the men that threw the 3 into the fire died because it was so high and so they came out unbound unburnt didn't smell and then Nebuchadnezzar said truly your god is the one and only god.

Died. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
Everyone will now worship your God and it changed that nation temporarily until they turned away from God and so our obedience and our relationship in God can change circumstances. So.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, well and and it's to call to do a callback to your well let's take it one step further you know, scripture and prayer wasn't wasn't making it happen. You know in in none of those in either of those moments. It wasn't like hey let's open up our bibles to.

Evan Herrman

X page and let's and obviously both of those stories are now in our bibles and most of our most of our ah humanity is literate and can can read which was not the case back then as well. So I and understand the nuances ah of this as well. But it's it wasn't like hey so pray this specific prayer.

Evan Herrman

Hey, read this specific scripture and sometimes that is absolutely enough and and all right that that there is but other times god is like introduce introduces you to a relationship where you find out about maybe some of these foods that are creating agitation in your gi track which is messing with your. Mind which is giving you anxiety you know and it's so it's not. You know it's I can't I can't remember who says this but it's like be being open but not so open that your brains fall out I think that's a Dr William Lane Craig saying but it's like hey you know like hey god I'm giving this to you show me teach me help me.

Evan Herrman

Understand what it is that I'm I'm supposed to be you know, figuring out here. Yeah yeah, so I'm I'm curious So you you do real estate and then you do this podcast and obviously the podcast isn't all about.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, don't be so spiritually minded that you're no earthly good.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, it's not at all about real estate. It's not at all about real estate.

Real estate and stuff. It's It's about other other things as well. So what's what's the yeah, what's the run there. It's like ah you just you're like man I just want to talk to really eically smart people and and learn about or what's the what's your kind of take on this whole person.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, so originally it started because I just felt called to do it? Um, but never knowing how to start a podcast in terms of.

Podcast which I love And. And.

Evan Herrman
Like man I don't have enough information to share with people I'm not arrived myself so I felt like I can't start a podcast and I felt god lead me to do it for 5 years before I actually did it so I had 5 years of delayed disobedience. Okay, um.


Evan Herrman
But in the fifth year he showed me away. Don't come at it as the as the professional as the person who's mastered everything come at it from someone who is the student and shares with other people What they're going through and what they're learning.


Evan Herrman
And help people who might be a little bit further behind than me and so that's my approach and I've always had a heart for Ministry I've felt called to be a pastor and to be in Ministry and since the doors never opened I felt like maybe that the podcast is it.


Evan Herrman
And the podcast has been a huge part of my life. It's connected me with amazing ministers and other people around the world who I've grown in relationships with and through this all I've also started a ministry called Evangelism now and.


Evan Herrman
Focus of the ministry is sharing the word of god the truth the salvation message of Jesus Christ the gospel to other people and the other thing that I want to do is I want to encourage men and so I brought the podcast into.

A a.


Evan Herrman
Ministry. So that's kind of where things are at so with the the podcast I want to encourage men to approach personal growth through a biblical lens because there's a lot of personal growth information out there that is just heresy and.

Um, yeah.

Evan Herrman
And I just can't get on board with it. However, there's some stuff that's really good. That's still heresy. But I'm like wait a second what you're saying is heresy but it actually has biblical perspective and roots and so then I I go into that we talk about stuff like that and so.


Evan Herrman
Have 2 2 veins of of the ministry.

Yeah I love that and it's so it's so interesting to me. It seems like over the past maybe five or ten years and and it's really come to a head um sort of almost ah a culminating. Um, observation from my standpoint where there's this men called to the ministry of other men and ah do you feel like it's it's because there's a societal vacuum there or is it. Is it ah is that a societal thing is that god's hand intervening in our modern day dilemma of you know this I don't know if it's weak men or men that are unbiblical or men that are not godly men or or but. I feel like there man, there's something there because it's it's from all different angles. You know I've been observing now tons of men you know called very similarly to myself with the the whole leaders of leaders and rites of passage and you know all of this and and you know now you're saying this I'm like man you're singing from.

Evan Herrman
Up. Yeah.

Sounds like the same script of music that I'm observing where do you think that that's coming from. Do you have a perspective on that but or was it just an internal thing with you a shift in you or um or just like a evident calling moment in devotion time or I don't know.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, so I produced my podcast and then I found the audience that was following me was 28 to 45 year old men and so I was like oh that's my audience so that that was pretty much ah how how that happened but as i've.

Yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
Gone deeper with that I mean the attack on masculinity in our culture and in the world is huge and the attack on Masculinity happened in the garden and it's been an attack ever since Ah, we can look at.


Evan Herrman
How fatherlessness has affected generations and if I'm not in my children's life what that does statistically to them One of the best communities to look at is the African American community.


Name it.

Evan Herrman
For the statistic. What happened I think it was like in like 19601970 s somewhere around there. There was a I don't remember what the specific act was but 1 of the things that it did was it promoted. Not just in african american communities but all communities divorce because then you could get welfare as a single mother from the state and once that happened if you were a single mother and you could collect not only child support but then also money from the government.

Um, and.

Evan Herrman
Then that that actually pushed more women to not be in relationship with men and then through that it created a bunch of fatherlessness then it created a whole bunch of incarcerable low education and low education created incarceration. Um, and it's.


Evan Herrman
It's really affected one specific community in our in our society more than it has any other it still affects everyone but there's predominantly one community that has been largely affected by it and I have a heart to see all communities healed all.


Evan Herrman
Communities restored because guess what our relationship was broken with our father when we sit and so an attack on fatherhood is an attack on the order that God created and so I just want to see men show up.

And and.

Evan Herrman
Be healed and whole through a relationship with Jesus and then be able to love their families and then help spread the message of the gospel and am I perfect at that. No am I trying very much. So.



Yeah, yeah, it's interesting that you ah alluded to your own marriage and and having issues and and then but hey you're now seeking a third party perspective and some therapy and and a way in which you can. Actually heal it as opposed to I think what most people do is like oh well then this wasn't meant to be and then chop it and then you know and then separation and then divorce and then now and I don't know. Do you have kids? Okay, yeah, um, and which and now after saying that it's like.

Evan Herrman
Kids I have 4 So yeah.

Now these downline ramifications become quite quite a lot more severe and not that it wouldn't be severe if it was just you and your wife right breaking that union but then also even more severe now because generation generationally we know and it's but it's interesting because you said you know? ah.

Evan Herrman
So yeah, much.

Began in in the garden to me. It was always it was always funny it was like you know well where was Adam and and you know when eve is getting this deceptive narrative being you know spit at her or whatever and and yeah and it's true. It's like man where were you like if you.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, he was standing right by her.

Would have just had a spine if you would've just put your foot down. You could like you think about like all of the things obviously that is not how the story goes you know I'm I'm not trying to interject something that doesn't exist but man if that isn't a call to being responsible. You know we have freedom in Christ. And with that freedom is this indelible responsibility for that you know because of that freedom. It's like we have responsibility and we're not going to do it by you know, like oh well, you know we'll just we'll just kind of let things transfer and it's like no, you're head of the household like. Be ahead of the household if. You're not head of the household I don't know so this again plays in line. It's that same tune of man the waywardness of man and I think right now we're seeing the worst of it and so I think downline we're going to see a far. Worse outcome of a far worse consequence but we do have an opportunity in your family and my family to do the harder thing to work through it to fight for our marriages to fight for our our wives to actually sacrifice ourselves for our wives like Christ's sacrifices

Evan Herrman

Evan Herrman
So yeah to to that point real quick because what you're saying is so true I'm going to tell you guys this even scripturally and I'm not going to contradict scripture even scripturally we're called to lay down our lives and be selfless.

Himself for the church. Yeah yeah, get it? yeah.


Evan Herrman
But you cannot learn how to be selfless and lay down your life unless if you also know how to be selfish and I say this and hopefully you guys hear my heart I am very selfish about what I need to do to make sure I'm. Growing learning have the time that I need to to get restored to seek God to to work out so that therefore I can show up and be those things. My family needs me to be because if I am depleted then I can't show up. And my best I can't give my best and therefore I might not be able to even show up for them when they need me because trust me when I struggled with anxiety at my worst I was not able to show up for them and we're still talking about that a few years later.

Yeah, so.



Evan Herrman
You know with my wife and counsel like hey I can't trust to leave the house because I feel like if you have anxiety you're going to check out. You know that's a real. That's a real thing you know I can't it's.

Yeah, but I would I would almost argue that that's being responsible right? as opposed to selfishness I mean we could say it's it's selfish right? But it's it's because Selfish is like now I'm going to do this for me and.

Evan Herrman
So right? so.

You know who cares about all y'all no I'm doing this for me so that I can provide for all y'all and like there's it. It's it it right? right? but but it's true like yeah, it'll it'll make people like well what we? what do you just say? do you say selfish? yeah.

Evan Herrman
Right? It's my Pr trick.

Evan Herrman
Exactly yeah, it gets you what be selfish? Yeah no, it's my Pr trick. But no, you're right? It's about learning how to take responsibility for yourself and doing what you need to do so that you can't show for us I mean look at what Jesus did he would often go off.

Yeah, so.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
By himself to spend time with god for days on in the sometimes you know he put himself first when he needed to he wasn't always there for the disciples.

Yeah, yeah, and you know talking about balance and talking about priorities and talking about you know marriages staying intact and not being the the Adams sitting right next to your you know wife eve getting totally you know deceived by the evil one. Um, you know what? where where does that? How? what What is the priority. What is the limit. What is the boundary when how do you I mean and obviously I'm asking this generally and hypothetically but also asking you know Evan like where where is that limit for you what when is it time to. Check out I mean sometimes it's like no, you just got to do you just got your your kid broke their arm like you got to be there whether you want to be there or not like you're going to have to be there right? There's emergencies and scenarios like that but is it for you. Is it rhythms boundaries schedules or is it more you know hey I'm starting to feel this so.

Evan Herrman

Yo I'm gonna gonna check out for a minute and it's not because I don't love you. It's because I do love you I need to check out to to become whole so I can provide in the way in which I'm called to provide How do you kind of encounter this.

Evan Herrman
Um, yeah, that's an awesome question and to just be fully transparent. This is an area that I struggle with because um, it.


Evan Herrman
It tends to be like oh I need to check out right now and that affects my family dynamics you know because then it feels like I'm throwing everything on my wife. So if if those things can be scheduled better. That's way better, but but heck like yesterday.




Evan Herrman
I was a grinch I was so grinchy I was a butthole like all day and I was just like I you know I got to go sleep I'm so tired I've been traveling a lot and I'm just tired and sorry what and I slept for like 3 hours woke up.

And after.

Evan Herrman
I was still a grinch and I was like you know what? I'm definitely going hunting right now and so I went hunting killed my first deer. Finally yeah, finally after like 17 outings over the last five years

Go Wow! Yeah yeah.

Evan Herrman
Finally, finally saw one and and and got one but to answer that truthfully I often do it out of reaction versus trying to to be strategic and I think we need to learn how to be able to do both. Well.

And. Yeah.

Evan Herrman
Like okay, you're grinchy. You need to leave and then that be okay with the wife with the family and create expectations for those moments and I I think 1 reason why it's a struggle when I do that is because I don't we haven't created the expectation like you know what? it's okay for mom or dad to to kind of.

Um, yeah.


Evan Herrman
Bow out for an afternoon if they need to and so that's probably something I'm going to now talk to my wife like Kay we should do this and I apologize to to my wife. Um you know in the heck I've even I've even had to go apologize to my children. But I think that's.



Evan Herrman
Part of taking responsibility is when you know you're not showing up own it so that your family sees it like I don't want my kids to be like oh yeah, Dad always thought he was right? no matter what? no I want my kids know like oh my dad loves us and he can be wrong. But he also knows when he's wrong and he'll come ask for us to forgive him like that has served me so well you know like there was 1 moment 1 time where I was really just getting into my son and I was I was just being rude I was being mean and he starts Crying. He's like dad stop.


Evan Herrman
You're just being mean to me right now and I realized oh my gosh. He's 100% right and then I apologized immediately I'm like you're right I'm I'm not where I need to be emotionally and.


Evan Herrman
I've just allowed myself to get overly frustrated and then then just pick on you so much that it hurt you and I was like Daddy's wrong and I need your forgiveness and you know what he said to me he goes dad I love you and even if you do it again I'll still forgive you.


Evan Herrman
You know that affected my daddy's heart to see unconditional love from my son man that made me want to change more than anything in the world.

Um, yeah, yeah, and and I mean obviously we should be expressing that unconditional love and and I think that we do right? Ah as as parents if you if you have a ah marriage together if you have kids that are in the house like most of the time.

Evan Herrman

Kids can be pretty ungrateful pretty selfish. This is just the normal kind of dilemma. So that's obviously an anomaly and an exception to the to the rule which is absolutely beautiful and moreover like we were the head of the household and we should lead in confessing and repenting right like confess.

Evan Herrman

Your sins even to your own wife even to your own children and repent and turn to the lord. Um, because if we're not then we're just deceiving ourselves that we're living in Christ right? We're no, we're living in sin right? Um, yeah.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, well and and that's a great point. Um, so I married my oldest is 7 and then the next 4 2 and then eight months out of everyone in the household. My wife and I and my oldest son are saved. My others are not and when my 4 year old ax out I mean some of it's age appropriate but at the end of the day. It's sin.


Evan Herrman
He's falling into sin nature and you know as a parent I haven't looked at that until started looking at that until Friday and so now instead of just like ah you know you're going to get in trouble for this like no call sin out even with my 4 year old

And yeah.

Evan Herrman
Even with your two year old start training them in the way that they should go and they will not depart from it like hey what you're doing is sin and it hurts mommy and Daddy's heart and it hurts Jesus's heart and say you know what he died for you. He loves you. You're good because of christ.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
And then build them up.

Yeah, yeah, and's and we don't need to get into creto baptism payo baptism or you know anything like that. Whatever. But but that is that's typically how you know we run our household as as well. It's like hey and and the thing is. I think a lot of people see that as like oh you're overbearing your legalistic It's like no this is this is like every every secular parenting you know in the book. It's like talking about choices and and consequences or whatever all of that stuff. The reason why it works is because it's. Rooted in in the bible which is what you were alluding to earlier. Um, and so yeah, why you know why wouldn't we call it out because otherwise what is it like oh you're just oh, you're gonna live your truth and and so then your kids have a truth a 2 year old kid can have a truth that's a foundation for his.

Evan Herrman

Or her existence for the rest of their life I'm sorry that that just isn't ah an actual palpable reality that is not that is not true. Big T or little team. They're just not true that that's called you know, Subjectivism and I'm sorry like your feelings.

Evan Herrman

Um, are going to be deceitful above your heart is going to be deceitful above all else. It's going to lead you to ah a society a situation that we find ourselves in right now you just turn on the media and you see constant consequences of this happening all the time. Um, but I did want to jump to.

Evan Herrman

The really important topic of the deer that you got so so 5 years you finally got a deer 17 outings. Did you get a buck or dough. Yeah okay got here.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, finally.

Evan Herrman
Dough. Ah we are only in dough right now. It's really funny. So the first one that comes onto the field is a buck and obviously can't shoot it and then two. Yeah and then two young ones come and.

Ah, you're like no ah.

Evan Herrman
Okay, so keep in mind I've never seen a deer hunting and I've hunted so much I've never seen a deer hunting. Okay, and so I don't have a even though I've gone out a lot I don't have a lot of experience like of killing 1 of identifying you know, small nubs or anything like that and I'm with my cousin who's a pretty good hunter.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
And I'm like hey man can can I shoot these and he's like no man they're just too small I'm like really they don't look small from here. We're a hundred plus yards away and he's like no trust me, they're just too small and i's like okay so they're there for like an hour and then we have like 3 more come in I'm watching dear. For like an hour and fifteen minute hour 15 minute hour 15 minute hour 15 minute hour and fifteen minute hour 15 minutes and finally finally mom a big momma comes along and comes over and he's like hey man that's the one you take your shot when you're ready. So I've never hunted with the rifle that I've had I've taken it out once ah shooting.

Oh wow.

Evan Herrman
And I could not zero it in so I'm like hey you know what I'm going to do I'm going to get a laser put it in the bore and then I'll zero my rifle to it Well that that's going to get you close, but it's not going to get you accurate and so I thought I thought it would get me accurate I shoot and I missed it.

Yeah, no yeah.

Oh one zero yeah

Evan Herrman
Like not because I'm an aim but because it wasn't cited in properly and the deer just like started looking around and my cousin's like take my gun take my gun take my gun and so I grab it's less handed and I'm like dude I can't see anything through your scope is oh I'm zoomed in too much so he reaches over. Um.

Ah, ah.

Evan Herrman
And un zooms it out as I'm holding it and then the you know the site opens up and then this all happened within like probably 8 seconds and then I put the deer in my sights and I pulled the trigger and I dropped it immediately. It didn't go anywhere. It was such a good shot and what was so funny is I was less anxious.

Oh yeah.

Evan Herrman
About the second shot then I was the first one it was like the second shot I was just responding to everything and it was awesome.

Right? Yeah, just yeah, that's that's funny. That's awesome. Yeah, the the interesting part about yeah boresight zeroes or whatever and this is Marine Corps marksmanship whatever chatting it's like it's good. If. There is no distance right? If it's like straight on. Oh it's gonna be great, but if it doesn't if it doesn't line up well enough with ah your optics. Whatever the optics might have and or you have you had some distance on it. It's like um so man that's that's that's super cool. Um, and.

Evan Herrman

Evan Herrman
Yeah, yeah.

And obviously for anybody who's listening who's like I could care less about the deer I could care less about hunting. Um I mean obviously it's a big deal if it's five years and and and 17 outings that becomes a really big deal. Um, but then also you know not to placate or mit mitigate any of the stuff that we were talking about because all of that.

Evan Herrman
Oh no kidding.

Think man, um, it's that's deep stuff and the fact that you're willing to be vulnerable and transparent on a podcast that you're like ah I don't know this leaders a leader's audience I mean I generally kind of can know From. You know what? you read about it or whatever. But so man I Just want to say I Really appreciate you. Sharing your heart sharing your heart about yourself sharing your heart about your marriage sharing your heart about your your family um and sharing the fun stuff like a deer outing and were you grinchy when you came back and super pumped And yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
No I wasn't I wasn't I was I was over the moon. Ah it was great.

Yeah,, that's awesome and so typically and and this is getting into the weeds here but I do want to get into the weeds on some of the the podcast stuff because I think that you can give me advice and anybody who's listening who is doing a podcast advice as well. But because of what you've done with your your podcast but um. So. Do you do you typically just take all of it. You feel dress it there and then and then take all of it is this is your does your family get a feast on this venison or yeah, that's awesome. Yeah.

Evan Herrman
We will Feast we will feast that that's the only reason um that I go out is to to put the food on the table I don't kill to kill as I was out there. This is gonna sound funny. You know I'm not an animal worshipper or anything but I just lean down I. The animal is dead and I just petted it I'm like hey I just want you to know I'm thankful for your life and I'm thankful that you're going to put food on my table and I value like and and then going back to you know with my cousin is like hey don't shoot these these are too young. Let's let them grow like it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, well and especially if it's your 17 outing is the first time you saw a deer like I think anybody could understand being a little trigger happy.

Evan Herrman
Very humane in hunting. Not everyone is but I want to do things the right way when when I hunt and so and just be whole life.

Just shooting the first thing that you see because man this is 17 outings of it. Yeah, and and then if you're patient and you can't shoot one like man that would be even more disheartening and discouraging so super cool that you got a bag bag of good dough for the family.

Evan Herrman

Evan Herrman
Um, yeah, yeah, she she was beautiful. Yep no for sure and extremely grateful for that opportunity and um learned a lot through that process and.

Old school so old school stewardship right? yeah.

Evan Herrman
You knowm not saying that hunting is going to make you a man or anything like that. But I've been thinking a lot about as a guy what are things that I get to do that make me feel manly and there's not a lot of them like there's there's 2 things pushing myself.

And. And.

Evan Herrman
Physically and when I go out hunting like like there's not a lot of things that make us feel masculine anymore and I highly encourage people to find for men find things that make them feel masculine and it's obviously you don't want to be led by your feelings and emotions. But.


Evan Herrman
At the same time. There's there's give and take where like hey you know I am a man and sometimes I just need to feel like a man so you know like your your mustache Dude that's a great manly mustache and I tried to grow on like it and it didn't look too great. Um, but.



Evan Herrman
It made me feel masculine for a while you know So no no I've tried growing it out I'm just going to be honest when I grow it out. It looks like I just have long pubic hair in my face. It doesn't look good like I look good scruffy.

Ah, ah, right? Yeah, well you bet you're you are you gonna rock the beard. Are you gonna grow that out. Yeah.

Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and yeah, and you're like this doesn't make me feel manly So I'm trimming it back down.

Evan Herrman
But I don't look good when I try to grow it out I don't know why because it's not full and it just it's one of those things. Yeah yeah, well and you know as we're kind of joking about this stuff. You know. What it all has to also kind of do with his finding purpose and you know not that we find purpose in our masculinity but we were created to be masculine and finding outlets for that extremely help and 1 of the things. Um that I want to offer your audience There's there's 2 things.

Oh hundred percent yeah so

Evan Herrman
Um, I'm just going to give one I'm I'm just going to give 1 um I have a course called your one degree and I've gone through this multiple times. It's a course that um, another ministry created now that I can coach through and what it does it. It helps men.

And here.

Evan Herrman
Find not only their giftings but then their greens things that energize them things that bring them to life and matches their giftings to the things that they're good at it Also identifies yellows and reds things that are draining and things that are kind of neutral and it helps people and men how to live in the green.


And. A.

Evan Herrman
And then through this process we have ah kind of like a life audit because sometimes our past does dictate our future but we've given our past the wrong narrative and so we go through our past finding commonalities.


Evan Herrman
And stories and break that down and how it affects our lives and lessons that we can learn from them and how how that affects our overall purpose and then who who has God called us to reach and so it goes through all these things to identify them and if um.


Evan Herrman
If someone is in like I'm not going to take someone for free through the whole course or any who like that. But if someone wants to go through the first part of it I'd be more than happy to do that.

Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, we we would love that and so leaders of leaders is sort of this umbrella nonprofit and we have discipled in Christ. So maybe there's a way that we can get that first first section and and connection with you into our discipled in Christ app because we have courses and stuff in the.

Evan Herrman

Disciple in Christ have so maybe there's a way even if it's one of our articles or something where it showcases obviously the podcast will showcase you and then the audience will listen to this and be able to click the links down below to to go and and chat with you about specifically going through you call that one the one degree or one degree.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, your one degree.

Your one degree. Okay, cool. Yeah, no, that would be that would be incredible. Um, and then and so that okay, yeah, that's awesome and so that that could be found on the whole person podcast.com is that right? or is that found.

Evan Herrman
Yeah, and I didn't write this course I stole it? No I've I've been trained on it. So.

Evan Herrman
No no I don't have it up for sale at all like that's just something I do with people here locally in our community but I felt like I I felt like someone might need it and so I just wanted to offer if that person's like I need that then reach out to.

Oh got you? Okay, Okay, okay.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you yeah yeah, we'll definitely put your. It's down in the show notes right now as you has you're watching this. Whoever's watching this and is feeling like they need to make that click.

Evan Herrman
Aaron to connect with me or or Aaron will put my information up there.

Um, happen. But yeah, and then they can always reach out to me and I'll I'll connect as well. That's awesome. So so with the whole person podcast. How long have you been doing that podcast.

Evan Herrman
Ah, 3 over three years now

Yeah, and what? what's the what's been the the biggest nugget though. The 1 thing that you've learned from that that maybe you were hoping to get or you you didn't even expect to get and now you're like oh wow I mean because just.

Evan Herrman
Can you hear me you can hear me I can't hear you.

That that disobedience for yep I can hear you oh that's weird here old positive all right? So with obviously you've been running it for you know 3 years you had 5 years of of disobedience. Um.

Evan Herrman
Hold on here.

Prior to that. Um, and you thought you needed to have all the answers and you realized obviously that wasn't the Case. So I think that's a huge I don't know piece of valuable information that any of us can take right like I think a lot of humans. Ah, men especially think that we've got to have it all figured out like with parenting with fatherhood with being a husband you know all of these things. Um, when in fact, even the best fathers Even the best husbands don't have it all figured out and and typically it's when they ah.

Look at themselves in the mirror and realize oh yeah I don't have it all figured out when they can actually step forward and do it but I was Wondering. Do you have a particular um whether it was expected and you were hopeful to gain this information or value from your podcast or it was something that was completely unexpected. That you have gained from the 3 years of running your whole person podcast.

Evan Herrman
Um, so the thing that was very unexpected when I came out of the gate I came swinging for very influential people.

Evan Herrman
And I started hitting home runs okay like I think my first five recorded podcasts had Michael Hyatt Angela Duckworth David Allen um and then a couple others. But since since I've started I've made.

Evan Herrman
Phenomenal connections with really influential people who know my name and I know them and some of them I have a relationship with and we email each other occasionally that has been life changing to me because.


Evan Herrman
Now all of a sudden I'm in the circle I've always wanted to be in you know Jim around says you are the average of your 5 closest friends and so for me like I want to level up my relationships and so now I'm starting to develop relationships in industries and around people who are who I want to be like and so.



Evan Herrman
To me that has been my you know my biggest thing I've gotten a lot of flak from people who know me like are you making money at your podcast yet. No I spend money on it and like they just don't get it like well then when are you gonna give up I'm like i'm. Not but when I look at where I am now to where I was three years ago not only am I a different person because of it. But now I'm playing in the circles of relationship with where I want to be that's huge that is huge I might not fully be.


Evan Herrman
Traveling and speaking full time like I want to be but I am in that circle to some extent and I've developed a ministry and I've you know I mean one of my friends was one of the creators of the largest podcast movement in America you know like god is open doors for me to have relationships.


Evan Herrman
And I'm not taking advantage of those relationships. It's just relationships that I have where I genuinely care about those people and they care about me like there's 1 guy. Um who god this is just a god thing. Do you know who Nick Voitch is so.


This yeah.

Evan Herrman
I felt like he was supposed to come on my podcast from the very beginning dude I reached out to him and his ministry like hundreds of thousands of other people do every single day and I just got lost in the noise nothing that gets them I've showed up at their office. You know, um.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

Evan Herrman
I drove like 3 hours 4 hours to go show up and you know he wasn't there. Go figure. He's out doing work and you know I like I felt called by god to have a relationship with this guy and I tried to make it happen didn't happen.


Evan Herrman
And then I made a relationship with another guy here locally who was running for office and he's like oh yeah, Nick's a friend of mine now he supports my political campaign. He's going to be speaking at 1 of my events you want to come meet him. You can come backstage and hang out with us and I was like ah yes, and so I did and I met Nick.


Evan Herrman
And you know I shared some stuff with Nick that god had put on my heart and Nick was like dude that's on my heart. Let's talk further and it just sparked a really good relationship to almost where he's a little bit of a mentor to me. We don't talk like weekly or monthly but I would say over the last year once a quarter.


Um, yeah.

Evan Herrman
And it you know so to answer your question. This has put me in a position to have relationships with people in industries and places where I want to be in and so I highly encourage anyone whether it's podcasting or anything else.


Evan Herrman
If there's an area of your life that you want to be in go first find those relationships because they're just going to make you want to level up.

Yeah, yeah, and I yeah and that's that's something that I have noticed as Well. You know so I did the living fit podcast for a long time and and was in fitness pretty big Time. Um and and and traveled and taught and and all of these things. Um, and it wasn't it Honestly, it wasn't about the traveling It wasn't about the speaking it wasn't about the money it wasn't like what I what I gleaned from ah the podcasting was exactly that like just really rad relationships and authentic relationships you know and and obviously not every. Podcast and interview is is going to turn into this. You know, blossoming beautiful relationship and and I don't think it would even be possible if you have done a podcast for 3 years for that to be the case right? That's just too many people. But um to have deep deep relationships but the man you're you're absolutely right? That is.

Evan Herrman

That's awesome and that's um, that's helpful for me. Obviously I did the living fit podcast and I feel like I'm I'm starting over again with those leaders of leaders podcasts. But I Just yeah, just more my personal curiosity and then the audience gets to hear a little bit about me but a lot about you. Um, in that it's like okay hey this is this is why it's happening. It's not he's trying to you know make a bunch of money or or do a bunch of sales or whatever. It's like true authentic like who are you? How can you help me understand this whole person concept. Yeah I Love that. Okay, so. Last question and and then we'll ah we'll conclude here. But what?? What's something was a drawback. What's like a man I like I I wish I didn't have to admit this or this is the thing that I dislike about the podcast or Whatever. What's what's something that is just you're not a fan of. In the podcast realm. Yeah.

Evan Herrman
Slow growth I thought that if I just built it people would come and that's not the case. It takes a lot of marketing a lot of consistency. Um, you know because despite how much quality I do. Microphone's like a $500 microphone my set right? here is probably 1 of the nicest sets that a person can have next to being in a radio station I have lights I have a $5000 camera you know I have a $3000 computer I have spent so much money.


Evan Herrman
I've spent $500 a month on purdue on production like I've spent a crazy ton of money for this and it benefits me just through these relationships and what I've learned and stuff like this. But despite how good the quality is. How good the content is there's slow growth unless if you hit a vein right away or a niche. Um, you know it's slow growth you know and so for me, that's been extremely disappointing very discouraging.


Um, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, well I will encourage you um with well it's something I would say often when I would teach fitness. That's how our biology works right? That's how we're created is like the slow growth model. Whatever and it's a lot of work just to lose a little bit of weight or gain a little bit of muscle or you know whatever the case might be so it seems to me that that's that you're probably probably experiencing the right amount of growth even though you have seen people and these are exceptions to the role where they hit. You know, like somehow end up on Joe Rogan or you know, whatever the case might be and then boom they're like you know's got you know all these all this following and they're able to monetize and and all that stuff but I would tell the story of of the tortoise and the hare um, but it was as as told from one of the.

Evan Herrman
Um, yeah.

Greatest finance minds to Dave Ramsey right and he and Dave Ramsey shares this in in his ah financial piece or whatever but it's like what what should I go? What should I go look up. What should I go research and it's like the tortoise and the hare was the answer and it's like what the tortoise in the hare. But it's like slow and steady. You know at the end it's slow and steady. He wins the race and that's the case in finances family relationships fitness health right? All of these all of these veins. Um to include even fun I'm I'm guessing I don't know all of your f's

Evan Herrman
Um, yeah.

On the not fu podcast but on the whole person podcast. Ah oh really, that's awesome. Yeah well Evan thank you so much for hopping on today and bearing with my um.

Evan Herrman
Right? The guy who suggested that was a passor of mine did you should call it the FYouPodcast I was like yeah that's not going to be the audience I want to check.

Not so stellar of a setup. Ah but it was It wasn't horrible but it wasn't grad either. So exactly? Yeah well thanks so much for op on it was a pleasure to talk with you to hear some of your stories to hear your heart most of all. And yeah, if you haven't already done So I don't know why you haven't clicked the link.

Evan Herrman
Oh you're fine hey you're you're on family vacation right now I get it.

Go check out the old person podcast. Thanks again. Thanks.