Leaders of Leaders Podcast

Timmy Gallagher Talks Disregarding Our Saboteur Mind and Engaging Our Sage Minds on Leaders of Leaders Podcast with Aaron Guyett

Aaron Guyett & Timmy Gallagher Season 1 Episode 15

Timmy has been described as an executive coach that is a combination of Jocko Willink, Wim Hof, the Dalai Lama, and Robert F. Kennedy. 

His experience, knowledge, and wisdom has evolved from his various roles as a government servant, corporate leader, not for profit volunteer, college level educator, endurance athlete, spiritual elder, caring father, and loving husband. The totality of his roles and experiences revealed his calling to share his desires and talents as a coach. 

Certified as a professional leadership and performance coach from the Brown University - School of Professional Studies, a Positive Intelligence Coach, and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). 

His unique patina of positions and purpose has empowered him to show up as the singular performance & leadership coach with a specialization in mental fitness. 

If you are looking to discover your best performance and are purpose driven, look no further. Your experience with Timmy will eVOLUTe from transactional to transformational.

Timmy Gallagher / Evolute:

Timmy Gallagher Linkedin

eVOLUTe Performance Coaching Linkedin

eVOLUTe website

timmy gallagher.com

Holy Cross Abbey:

Holy Cross Abbey open to any denomination

Holy Cross Abbey Retreat House the link to the retreat house itself

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat:

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat open to any denomination. Joel Blunk is the spiritual director there, an initiated man, Christian, and one super cool dude. 

Rolling Ridge Retreat House and Hermitage the link to staying at Rolling Ridge. I stayed at Cordwood Cottage (very rustic) . There is also a retreat house with all the amenities. 

Joel Blunk - Spiritual Director at Rolling Ridge email - onejtb@gmail.com Joel does amazing nature based men's work also

Mental Fitness Assessments:

Saboteur Assessment

Mental Fitness Assessment

Books/Sites to check out:

Adam's Return by Richard Rohr

From Wild Man to Wise Man by Richard Rohr

Support Brian Sauvé here: https://www.briansauve.com/even-dragons-shall-him-praise

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What's going on everybody I have got an incredible guest for the leaders of leaders podcast today I've got timmy gallagher and he just came off of a. Silent retreat for two weeks which is incredible and then he says it harkens back to his rite of passage ah in in 2006 and and so we'll we'll jump in right there but first without further ado let me intro. Um. So timmy gallagher and coaching has evolved for him as a calling to be of service to others in their evolution of performance and leadership. His wisdom and experience of over 30 years in law enforcement corporate government education not for profit spirituality endurance athletics and coaching has allowed him to be agile and present in every coaching conversation. Coaching with him would be thought provoking or will be thought- provoking and a creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. So with that, let's jump right in you had said something and I was like ooh let's get that on.

On record here talking about initiation would you mind sharing that again and then I'd love to just unpack the last two weeks and then you write a passage and all of the leadership and coaching and stuff that you do.

Timmy Gallagher
I'll try to remember what I said but of course good good morning, good afternoon. Thank you Aaron for having me on. It was a delight to find you out there in the podcast world most of my podcasting I do regarding coaching. We keep it about the mind and mental fitness and results and our mind becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for us and for those that want to go to the next step we talk about god um, and I feel safe that we can go there. With you I've listened to a number of your episodes? Yeah, um, so that's refreshing for me. Um, um, and I think what I said was we're talking about. Yeah I was away for two weeks and it harkened back to my rights and.

Unapologetically, we can definitely dive in deep.

Timmy Gallagher
Regarding initiation the call for initiation is deafening I Think that's what I might have said that pingju. Yeah.

Absolutely yeah, that was yeah, nailed it I mean and it seems to me that the the call to some sort of initiation so we can look to the left and right and and look up and say. Okay, now I'm a man. Okay, now I'm a man of god okay now and obviously it doesn't seem to exist in the way in which humans and our society have have designed our society. Our. Communities and such and so yeah, it seems to me that it's palpable. There's ah, there's a movement towards that um and young and old and everybody in between at least that I am having conversations with their They're saying a very very similar thing and it harmonizes into what you know you have experienced in your rite of passage I want to talk about what you've experienced in the last two weeks um and then but then yeah, this initiation? Okay okay, dad.

Timmy Gallagher

Am I a man instead of yeah, you're a man you're 18 you could buy cigarettes. You can you can get smart magazines. Oh now you're even more mature you can drink alcohol legally and these are just.

Timmy Gallagher

Timmy Gallagher

Ah, pitiful examples of initiation these almost legal age requirements and then and so then we wonder why we have 40 year old children still in their parents' basement or still.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah.

Pursuing you know, lust as the end goal and finding that it's endless and it comes back. Always found found wanting very interesting so I would love to start with? um. Sort of the rock em sockumm word that you stated about your two weeks what was funny to me. Is you said you know it's two weeks of silence and solitude and you're like it was way more than I expected and I think we would automatically. Um, connect silence and solitude with less and so it's interesting that you use the word more and then and then you briefly just chatted about the unforgettable mystical experience of it. So. Yeah, if you're able to articulate some of that I would love to be on the listening end of it.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, well just give me the hook when you get to your hard stop. Um, the ah I think the connection point I'll try to tie together the rites of passage a true rites of passage. With something like this solitude and silence I did the past week is they both speak to if they're done well less is actually more the in a true rites of passage.


Timmy Gallagher
There's a stripping down There's a taking away. There's a movement from what is safe and secure to what is vulnerable and unknowing and I was able to. Create a situation where I could have that pattern again and by submitting to it. It opened up which is what will always happen when we move from our profane world. Into the sacred which is what and and ah rites of passage would do and um, moments like when I was away for two weeks and for that matter I mean you can have those many moments it could be a centering prayer moment. It could be a grounded moment literally ground that bare feet on the ground. Out in your backyard. Um, all good truth and wisdom comes down to ah this is this moment I'll know if you're a fan of movies. But there's a great scene in the deer hunter where the um character Michael. Um, play by Robert De Niro talks about and it happens to be with a bullet round That's not about the bullet where he says to the other person like this is this. It's not something else. This is this and he was harkening to they were out hunting which to him was sacred and if you don't come prepared. Don't.


Timmy Gallagher
Come at all if something's worth doing. It's worth doing well and if there's anything worth doing well, it's this thing called life and I think when we had when I emailed you about the possibility of us getting together I mentioned the 5 hard messages every man needs to learn which I'll learn on my rights of passage.


Timmy Gallagher
And it really is that if you're not tapped into something bigger. You're not tapped in you know Robert Ply Bly the poet talks about it if a man hasn't cared for your soul. Your soul is dead and your soul's not dead. But what he meant was.


Timmy Gallagher
It has to be that has that that little flame has to be kindled with the wood of other men and other great people and as a mental fitness coach I would tell you that that speaks to our brain Joseph Choton Pierce I don't know if you're familiar with his work did wonderful work on brain surges. And there's 5 times where your brain will have this huge growth spurt and 1 thing that is needed for these neural pathways to activate is a role model someone to show you how to get to something bigger than you.


Timmy Gallagher
And isn't it interesting that the last brain surge occurs anywhere from the age 15 to 18 when we would normally initiate our boys and it's interesting and I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir but you know my lovely wife downstairs and my stepdaughter. Physically one day they woke up and they learned about initiation. They woke up or that you know one day they received their menstrual cycle and you know that that young girl comes and moms says well what? what is this? Oh welcome to womanhood now look at the patterns Aaron it's bloody.



Timmy Gallagher
Painful. It's emotional. You'll go through it every twenty eight days or so it's very spiral cyclical but this is the price for the ultimate gift which is to give life but see we don't have that which is why we need to be taught that.

A. So.

Timmy Gallagher
And we haven't done that in some attempts to do it are pretified I mean I'm a Roman Catholic and we have confirmation but it's nice. It's pretty. We even taken away the slap in the face we used to do. We didn't do it to herp it was done in sacred space of you need to be here.


Timmy Gallagher
You need to get you're going from here to there like you said, not, you can go buy cigarettes but to move into something bigger. It's really to help the man the boy to learn if you don't transform your pain because life is painful. You will transmit your pain and that's why we're seeing what we're seeing.


Ah, yeah, hurt people hurt people. Yeah man. Well um, that's the trailer. So that's perfect. No that is ah amazing. What's interesting is.

Timmy Gallagher
In the world correct.

And the conversation that I just recently had with the the father and son that wrote the book on on this rite of passage. He actually he paralleled the same thing he was like well women when they go from girl to womanhood like they know it. They.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And and he said his wife goes Well I mean yeah, we we can do a ah ah rite of passage for our daughter. Um, however, this will naturally happen as well And if you know if the mother is tuned in and intentional. It will be something that is you know moving her from.

Timmy Gallagher
That's right.

Being a girl to now womanhood. Ah because of all the things that you had mentioned and when you were saying I was like man that's so beautiful and that's so true and that's so sad for our men. Um, and you know this is the leaders of leaders podcasts and I think the leader of leaders was Jesus Christ

Timmy Gallagher
That's right.

Um, and we can see that not only the legacy throughout history if you look at the hinge point and then how history changed from this 1 person not connected to millions of people on a megaphone shouting you know, but actually.

Timmy Gallagher

Bloody Painful sacrifice right? and and then changing our completely changing our worldview on the economy and seeing it not as a fear economy not as a money economy but as a love economy right? and shifting the way.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, yep, yep yep.

We tune in. Um, yeah, it's really interesting and it's also really sad that so many of us supposed men are Disconnected. We're not, We're not men. We're just immature boys trying to. Fumble and stumble our way through life and not you know like you said with the with the round right with the bullet not seeing that this is this if there's anything worth wrestling and turning.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, this is this? yeah.

Your life over to something that's higher than your selfish stuff. It is this which is life right? Yeah, pretty incredible.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and and what's what's neat about that is particularly for me as a performance and leadership coach and especially as a mental fitness coach. Is that just like we see those patterns in society part of it is because that is how our brain is built the limbic system fight flight freeze feed and fornicate.



Timmy Gallagher
How we survive. It's how you and I got here somewhere in that mix. We're part of that and that part of our brain is 3 to 5 times stronger than the other part of your part of your brain such as your right hemisphere where your creativity your imagination your creatives. Juices that's in your right side of your brain or your prefrontal cortex that part of your brain the limbic system 3 to 5 times stronger and iron. It gets first bite at every stimuli that comes your way so left to our own devices. We are in survived mood.

5 yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
And what I do as a mental fitness coach is I help folks realize that limbic system how it shows up in a voice. It's called our saboteurs So I help them identify their saboteurs and then your thrive part of your brain is what we call your sage So how did what does that sound like.


Timmy Gallagher
And the work to go from saboteur to sage is mental fitness. It's just like getting in shape and how do you do it? You do it through. Are you ready for this presence just being in. The only thing we truly have which is now.


Timmy Gallagher
And we do it through with what God gave us. It's ingenious. What God did okay I'm going to give you this brain that's going to help you survive and I'm also going to give you a brain that can tap into some bigger things but on its own it'll default to survive. But if you use your body senses.

Yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
What I smell what I see what I hear what I taste you can be present and what we now know from Fmris is that literally develops a normal pathway to go from that left brain to that right? brain to go from that surviv brain.


Timmy Gallagher
That Thrive brain So isn't it interesting that the rites of passage mimicked what goes on in our brain they would traditionally take the boy go across something usually a body of wood or or a threshold I'm sure you know all this.


Timmy Gallagher
And then in sacred space teach the boys some lessons like the the aborigs would knock a tooth out and show them the tooth and say if you don't learn to transform this pain. You will transmit this pain see. They're making the brain go from left side to right side.


Timmy Gallagher
Woman had to go from left side to right side. These are the patterns. It's in our brain. It's in our body and it's in our world. But why are we seeing what we're seeing in a world because we're operating out of our survived brain and the core message is you got to see something bigger than you and our society is set up to not.

Yeah, yeah, so.

Timmy Gallagher
Do that swipe right? I got a date use an app I get a meal. It's it's we've made it so easy at say which is why a rites of passage is hard. The first message that a boy needs to learn is that life is hard.


Timmy Gallagher
Which coincidentally comports exactly with the buddha life is difficult so all the great spiritual avatars I think are saying the same thing now we'll go back to Jesus Jesus was a real man whether you want to go for He's christ that your business but here's the beauty if you go for the Jesus to Christ story. Crucified Died and was buried. He comes back and I'm sure you can know where I'm going with this sound. He's not perfect. Still has all the wounds. It is utterly brilliant. See we want everything to be perfect. It doesn't work that way sports fans Jesus came back.

Right? a.

Timmy Gallagher
With the wounds Leonard Cohen has a great song out there called anfilm and one of the lines is where there's a crack that's where the light gets in so it's in what's wrong is what you can find what's right? It's moving from that survivor brain.

Yeah, yeah. And yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
To the thrive brain. It's all there for invitation but to your point what you're working on if you don't have people talking about that if you don't have rites of passage in these transformations we will go to our default and that's what we're seeing in society right now.

Um, yeah, and and it seems to me in in all of that I All that I've researched and read um the socials I'll just call it The socials I won't pinpoint a particular one. Um, but all of the things that you were saying and alluding to right swipe right? and all all this Stuff. It seems to me that they understand this base mind or the or the saboteur right? As you as you call it and are robbing us of our sage through. Doubling down quadrupling down and making it even easier for us to fornicate feed have fear right? freeze fly you know Flee or fight right? but all just in this crazy. Mesmerizing Screen. It seems to me that that it's It's a it's a great deception that oh if I can quadruple down on the things that I I need right? then I'm doing the right thing because I need these things. So I'll quadruple down all 10 times down you know I'll I'll do even more of that and it's actually robbing us of the literally literally higher upper cognitive function. It's robbing us of going like you said from left to to right? Um, have you and I know this is.

Ah, bit off, but um, but have you done any research have you? Obviously you you alluded to it. But do you understand I Guess maybe more articulate than than myself. What? what might be going on there and how might we pull ourselves. Out of this trap pull ourselves out of this sort of bad cycle right? This bad feedback loop that we find ourselves in where we're just you know doing this wrong thing over and over and over again trying to find what's right about it but actually just driving deeper into this. Not good space. This saboteur mind.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, and you know you you sort of got into it Well of we go after what we think we need to survive and then that becomes well I need that I need that I need that you know that kind of. Love my stepdaughter but every time we go somewhere she wants a sweatshirt. You know? Ah, um, and that becomes the racket that becomes all we know and then when we don't have the role modeling or learn how to do without to sacrifice. Um, that becomes all we know and again the mine is built that way. It's feed me see more. You know just give me more and more and more. Um, this is why we said her earlier I think we said this or maybe it was another podcast I was On. You know it's actually less is actually more.



Timmy Gallagher
You know when I was on my two week monastic journey there was little going on in theory. In fact, some people were like what did you do with all that time I was so tremendously busy. It wasn't even funny. Um, but less is is. More in our society particularly our western culture is not built that way. You know do more be more and often we get to the top of that la and realize it's not leaning against anything you know Thoreau has a great quote to the effect of I'll butcher. It. But.


Yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Most men lead lies of quiet desperation and they go to the grave with the song still in the heart and see the neat thing about it ah writetes a passage and role model is is you end up only bringing out what was already in you which is a little piece of god.

Timmy Gallagher
Every human was put on this earth to bring something unique for the betterment of everybody else and that's a song that that goes to the grave in the heart. But you don't get there easily. You have to sacrifice call it the ego I would call it the judge and the saboteurs to get to that higher function.


Yeah, well yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
So listen, you know the socials and you know these phones and all that in and of itself they're they're not the enemy. It's just how we use it right? I mean I can bring up a centering Apple on that phone. That's excellent. Um.


Timmy Gallagher
But the biggest thing I will offer to you that I think you're on to is the idea of role role model particularly a positive spiritual male role model Now you mentioned I had a career in law enforcement and obviously gangs and drugs came up in that career. And isn't it interest in that when you look at ah, a gang like ah the bloods or the crypts they have the exact same pattern in there of initiation. There's a ppo a pledge prayer and oath.. There's a blood letting of some sort see we crave this naturally our our deeper fiber Nose. We need this and then when we go externally to look for it. It's not there which is why we need men like you on podcasts like this talking about this having this conversation.

So do you in your coaching. Do you fill that role model space. Um, or are you helping them find helping you know let's say it's me I'm coming to you like hey you know I want to increase my performance. Mental fitness or do you become the role model and then switch it over sort of Indiana Jones and the temple of doom and switch it or or ah or or do you do you stay that role model. How how does that? How does that typically work for for you with your with your clientele.

Timmy Gallagher

With your coaching comments.

Timmy Gallagher
That's actually a great question. Nobody's ever asked me that um, traditionally in coaching particularly as an Icf certified Coach international coaching federation. Um I traveled the journey with you. Like I'm the navigator and you're you're walking the walk um because Coach enjoy about asking a lot of questions thought provoking. It's not about giving you the answers that would be more of like if you hire me to be a consultant based on my experience you know I've done this so you should do that? um.


Right? right.

Timmy Gallagher
So It's walking the journey with them. Um, somebody who then is venturing into particularly the spiritual Realm or the religious realm y'all would tell them they get a spiritual director or get a positive role model. Um, if somebody said to me Well I Want you to be that then the. Coaching relationship with change because that type of a spiritual role model. They need to challenge you um and some sometimes in a very hard way. They need to hold the mirror up to yourself. You follow? yeah.

Yep yep.

Timmy Gallagher
But what what I do in my coaching is traditional Icf coaching but with the mental fitness niche of hey what you need to get is that your brain left on the fault doesn't work for you for for society. It just works to keep you alive.


Timmy Gallagher
So there's another way. So what does that mean? So I'll have a Ceo saying I just can't get traction with my people. What do I do about my people. No, what do we do about you you follow? Yeah, we have met the enemy. It's ourselves and what it is is. It's.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Timmy Gallagher
The the default is your brain I actually laid this out to a priest and I made the call it bold jump of it could be the idea I'm not speaking theological but maybe the idea of original Sin is actually the original brain.


Timmy Gallagher
You know because my default is to survive not thrive Well then how do we get there. Call Spirituality Call Religion Call Presence Call Mental Physics coach. But how do you get out of your own stuff you you follow? yeah.

So here. So.

Yeah, so.

Timmy Gallagher
And that's where the rites of passage would come in and roll modeling. Yeah.

Yeah, it I mean to to play on that potential parallel or or metaphor a little bit further right? It's like the the tree of the knowledge of good and Evil opened up this idea that oh.

Timmy Gallagher

This brain is connected whereas before it was running on God and and like you said the peace of God that that is in all of us right doing what it is that is our purpose in this imago day or image of God and then but now you're suddenly aware of. How it exactly functions and that in itself right now now plagues you with a problem because you're going to have these base instincts that you otherwise wouldn't have had and obviously I'm reaching reaching deep and and.

Timmy Gallagher

Not trying to say this is doctrine like you said not trying to say this is you know my theological theory or or take but to but to riff on that just a little bit further. It does is like oh yeah I mean I could I could very well see that right? because once once those instincts.

Timmy Gallagher
Sure right.

Timmy Gallagher

Creep in right? they can as we you just look around and you see it. You look at yourself in the mirror probably and you see it right? It's like man you're right I've I've stolen I've stolen what God put on my heart as my purpose or the song that you mentioned from myself.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher

By these baser you know instincts that have completely taken over and we've created a very comfort and convenient lifestyle that that.

Timmy Gallagher

Ah, has deceived us right? It's it's deceived us into this belief that just filling more of those needs is going to be better. Not the case. So so speaking of more and less is more I would love it if you can to unpack.

Timmy Gallagher

Some of the because Mystical is ah one I think it's an amazing. It's an amazing word in that it opens up this idea to I don't know something that's really difficult if maybe even impossible to articulate.

Timmy Gallagher

Um, which I'm in love with that. Ah, um, but but there's also a mystery there you know and so you alluded to that earlier before we hopped on the call that it was the two weeks was yeah. And Harken back to your rites of passage and stuff like that. But there was the mystical nature of it. Are you able to articulate have you unpack that yourself so that maybe you can unpack it ah a bit on this podcast.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah I'll give you a little and I feel safe to do it with you and hopefully others that are listening because one of the things we teach our men in the rites of passages. Don't don't give away your gold too quickly meaning there's those nuggets you.


Timmy Gallagher
Learn in your rights be careful just throwing it out there to everybody because most people won't get it. They'll waste that they'll waste that that gold you give them but and to your point about mystical. Ah I'm ah I'm a fan of.

Yeah, pearls before sline right? yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
And even more so because I was at the monastery and they harken back to St Benedict to the desert fathers and mothers so real quick and I'm sure you know this this guy Jesus comes along. He does his thing you either then go for he's Christ which we all get to participate in or he was just you know a Prophet.


Timmy Gallagher
And some dude um and the early church which is called the way some of them realized that quickly we were screwing up Jesus' ' message and they said you know what we're out of here. We're going to the desert we're going to live a solitary life. To be closer to god and out of there came a lot of wisdom that you couldn't point to theologically but it was true and it was good and that often is when you get into the realm of mystical where you can't just point to theological doctrine but you can't deny. It. Either and what was interesting when I went to the rights at my first week was at a cisteria monastery and um, when I arrived it was Halloween so that meant it was the eve of all saints day Tuesday was all saints day then it was all souls day. So I really opened myself up to the saints. The souls those for my family particularly that have passed away in friends and just see what shows up but what I believe and what I would learn to my rights is when you're out there particularly in nature. Expect nothing. But be open to anything so with that and particularly because I was out of this profane world and no talking and no phone. The brain settles down and the spirit stirs up and that rape brain starts activating.

Timmy Gallagher
And that prefrontal cortex in news 5 sentence god gave us are now become acutely aware and 1 of the ways it showed up and what's great about faith and mysticism is is I'm I'm going to tell you a story and you could say it's a coincidence. And I'm not going to argue with you about it and I could say it was god and you can't argue with me about it. That's the beauty of faith and what we believe and so it was a Wednesday my second week I was in the mountain now and I'd meet with a spiritual director.


Timmy Gallagher
Twice a day once we would do meditation together a centering prayer and the other would be spiritual direction and during spiritual dark. She said how is it with your soul and in our courses of conversation I spoke about how and I was I was homesick I hadn't spoken to my wife for close to two weeks just center her a picture which is a way of like I'm still alive. You know here's a beautiful flower and I said I'm homesick but yet I want to go deeper and I feel like I'm walking two dogs homesick want to go deeper. And we talked some more and then off I went that day I wanted to go to an outlook on the shenaddoah mountains so now watch the pattern out I went out with an intent of I want this right? But I'm going out open to anything.

Hey hey.

Timmy Gallagher
Ah, yeah, expecting nothing open to anything and I went look at the pattern I went up the mountain I got to the outlook and it was very beautiful and I did a meditation there and there was no clap of thunder. And there is no burning Bush I'm fine with that I know the pattern trust the pattern a man with his dog walked by and we just waved you know and I made my way down the mountain I saw some deer I saw some birds and. I got to a point where I came around the bend and I heard a dog barking I was like okay I noticed other cabins out here and I know there's dogs and I look up on a ridge and I see a shepherd german shepherd barking at me and I'm like okay he's not happy or she's not happy, but. I'll be cool and they'll be cool kept walking and now there's another dog a white dog and I realized I saw these 2 dogs when I showed up out here my first day out on the mountain and I think they're okay so I just keep walking and the white dog starts walking with me. And um, the shepherds still back there barkking like why are you going with him don't walk with him and I keep walking the white dog is still walking you and I hear the shepherd high talented up on my hein I'm like all right I'm going to get a bite out of my Gluteus Maximus or

Timmy Gallagher
Something needs going to happen and the the shepherd buzzed me stopped turned around barked at me as if to say fine. We're going to walk with you aon theres 2 dogs walked with me for about a mile now notice what I said earlier.

Hey. Yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
I feel like I'm walking 2 dogs and 2 dogs show up so it comes down to the what are the chances I don't know and you could say it's a coincidence. Well maybe coincidence where god chooses to remain anonymous now that's not it I got to my crossroads I said. Thanks.

Yeah, so.

Timmy Gallagher
And I turned and they left and about a half mile later they showed back up and then I got to another crossroads and I went to go my way and now you could say they smelled me on the trail. That's fine but they led me back to my hermitage. I say thank you I go in my hermitage I put my gear away I'm settling in I look out the window and I will send you the picture and this white dog and the shepherd were sitting guard outside my hermitage looking over the Valley. So I went outside I put my chair down said. Okay.


Timmy Gallagher
You clearly have more for me to learn the one that was afraid the shepherd came up and wanted the petting tactile reinforcement and she plopped herself right next to me the white dog came over pet at her. She plopped down and I did a 30 minute meditation and those 2 dogs. Sat guard with me for 30 minutes I then had to pick up some kindling for my fire. They helped me pick up the kindling and when I said i' am good I need to go in they left so talked about walking two dogs.


Timmy Gallagher
2 dogs show up and they stay with me was it a happenstance was it coincidence. It's truly what you want to believe but I can't point to a book and show you here's where it's at that book I can't point to theology and show you to me.

Yeah, so.

Timmy Gallagher
Was a mystical experience and to me it is still very real and it's it's welling up in me right now. It was beautiful and look at the pattern also pattern of 3 so and I had something like that. Every.

So yeah.

Yeah, that that. Wow.

Timmy Gallagher
Day every day and what I would submit to you is that Pattern is there for all of us all the time if we just get from our left brain to our rate brain get from survivor into thrive get from uninitiated to initiated get out of me into the we get out of more. And into the less.

So good. Um, ah, that's like a ending but I don't want this to end so we're gonna keep going um that Wow that is incredible and also I was expecting.

Timmy Gallagher

You know, get out of future. Get out of past and get into present too right? It's like you. Yeah I mean well and and the interesting part is you? You felt like you were walking 2 dogs but now no.

Timmy Gallagher
They walked me. That's right, That's right, That's right, Yeah, you got it? Yeah yeah.

These dogs are choosing to walk you you know, just there's so there's so much there to to unpack I mean shoot that's a book right? there like that just that one day man and that I mean that.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah.

Welled up in my spirit as well. Just hearing that and I don't know I Yeah I'm sure I'm sure coincidences do naturally occur I'm I'm certain that that is probably the case as it would seem probable. Um, Also there are some times where. And these coincidences are just happening way too. Incredibly. Ah and and way too often for me to just ah I think ruin it by calling it a coincidence you know and just man just be.

Timmy Gallagher

Timmy Gallagher
Um, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, yeah, yeah.

Just be in that spiritual and mystical place I don't know if you've read the cloud of unknowing. It's a big. Yeah, it's ah it's a really difficult ah pursuit of ah of a book and you know it's trying to articulate the.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, yeah, absolutely sure. Yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher

Inarticulable right? The the thing that you cannot articulate the thing you know we often try to box god as you know this doctrine and this thing it's exactly and it's like well if there's 1 thing that we should know it's that we don't know.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I'll share with you because I feel safe to do it the second week when I was in the mountains meet with the spiritual director.

Um, if there's 1 thing that we can't box. It would be the infinite. It would be the greatest conceivable being. So yeah, so.

Timmy Gallagher
It got to the point early on where what happened was alls I did was weep and write for three days I would forget to eat there. There's a little journal behind me somebody was nice up to give me this nice journal and I used it was you know blank and it's full.


Timmy Gallagher
And I came back and just gave it to my wife because she was like I want to hear about it I'm like just talking about it will corrupt it like I yeah I won't even get it right? I'm sorry so I wrote it in the moment. So that's as close as I can get. But.


Timmy Gallagher
You know, even the idea of you know, trying to talk about god we're already missing the point I mean it makes sense why you know the jewish tradition said Yahweh and what's neat about Yahweh is you can say the word without clues in your mouth and say it with breath.


6 a.

Timmy Gallagher
It's yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Because if God decided to not think of me right now I would literally exasperate in front of you I'd be gone. You know every breath is an affirmation of God believes in me and loves me and see that is only in the now.


A a.

Timmy Gallagher
The only thing we have is now and that's where most of us tend to not live so you want god get in the nail you want god get present. So you know you have 3 kids you know.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
I would encourage you like if I was your coach next time you look at your kids find 1 thing about their face. You never noticed before you know it, it comes down to what you know just like be that present to them I mean dude when when when you're getting it right.

So get. So yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Words don't do it justice. It just demotes up from you. It's the spirit. It is grace and that's why I was weeping the abundance of Grace and I could go on and on with my stories but they were incredible.

Yeah, yeah.


Timmy Gallagher
And that seed was planted in my rites of passage and the main seed I I walked away with from my rites of passage was you're a beloved son of God There is nothing you can do to lose it and there's nothing you can do to get it.

Yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
You had it before during and after this is how we participate in the mystery of Christ you don't earn it. You had it I tell my boys I have 3 boys and 2 stepkids. My love is my love.


Timmy Gallagher
Is my love that they were born and I love them. Your children were born and you love them I'm sure so take that time to buy a hundred to infinity and you might get a glimmer.

Yeah, yeah, it's it's almost. So yeah, yeah, yeah, no, So yeah, so Good. So good and it's it's it's interesting and I don't know if all parents struggle with this but I know a lot of parents that have struggled with this where.

Timmy Gallagher
Of what God has for us, you follow me.

You have your first born child and the love that you experience is just incredible overwhelming right? and and it's ah it's like just ah in a insurmountable amount of love right for this. Human being um and then you are pregnant or expecting a second and you start to worry like I've I've used up all of my love right? I've used up all of my love.

Timmy Gallagher

I Thought I thought you know I I had this incredible love for my wife and then I had this insurmountable amount of love for my firstborn I don't I don't have anymore and then the second is born and there is even more love. Um, right? And and.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and see how your saboteur showed up in there. Yeah, you know call call see what first shows up is your we call it your judge.

Oh absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
You you might want to call it the ego and it wants to make something black something white something wrong something right? right? and then it brings in your particular saboteurs. There's 9 of them and that be a whole nother conversation and yeah you started saying there was a limit on love like.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's yeah yeah, he's rolling on the floor laughing R O F l.

Timmy Gallagher
God is literally like that is so cute Aaron you thought you could run out of love. You're funny young man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah man. Yeah, it's and that's it's and you're absolutely right? It's like man you can't and try to and try to stack that in it and that will be ah, an endless infinite endeavor right in eternal endeavor to try to stack the amount of love then God has it's like just inimaginable, unimaginable.

Timmy Gallagher

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, which is why just like when you when that baby's born. You just cry. It's not out of fear just I'm overwhelmed by it. This is what we call Grace an unmerited gift and by the way real quick I wanted to throw this out I'm sorry going back but you mentioned Jesus in his message.

Um, so I.

Over yeah.

Yeah, no, no, no yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
You know the the first words we know about Jesus that I know about were you know repent and hear the good news which when you go back to the the Greek and the armaic and all that it was mettanoia which meant change the way you're looking change the way you're thinking go from left brain.



Timmy Gallagher
To right? brain turn around like you and I are looking at each other through Zoom or whatever right now you could describe to me what's behind me but the best way for me to see it is to turn around and see it to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and see it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, and that's the walk with Christ.

Amen. Absolutely yeah, that's yeah, and and we we have that conversation often with our our kids you know that repent isn't um you know feel guilt and shame. No, it's turn turn. Away from the thing that you are doing that is keeping you from this amazing and overwhelming love and turned toward this amazing and overwhelming love because of Grace. Um, that.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, and you got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it? Yeah. Sin Best understood is it's actually missing the mark and the analogy I give with my boys is um, going outside and having a catch your quintessential father son moment of having a catch and sometimes the ball goes aren't.

So yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
And it's like yeah if if I'm having a catch with my son Brendan what was that my bad and he goes over gets the ball now. What do you want? What do you choose I choose to throw to ball throat a ball father son and that energy back and forth. There's the spirit. It's just. You missed the marks so you're right shame and guilt. This is a a go one. A good topic. They don't transform they may kick you in the airs which is fine but they don't yeah correct, you got it sir but they don't transform. No.

Yeah, yeah, not useless. But yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
No, because it's it's too much of a holding you back and God's love is not holding back. It's just abundance upon Abundance upon Abundance Yeah, half measure poor running over.

Yeah, ah yeah so I um and I know we're we're running out of time but I I do want to ask some particulars about your the Rius passage that you experienced.

Timmy Gallagher

Um, and and especially in light of at the very beginning you. You know you talk about the confirmation slap it used to be or you talk about the menstrual cycle and and pain I'm curious as to and and articulate as much or as little as as as Needed. What. Because that was something Interesting. It seemed when I was talking so with the rite of passage that I am developing and in my research of write a passage challenge adversity the opportunity to fail and some rites of passages in in other cultures. It's like death you could die right.

Timmy Gallagher

Timmy Gallagher
E e.

Um, but pain is a very significant part of it and and the person I was talking to there really wasn't much adversity or trauma or pain or suffering or bloodletting or or blood or you know any of this stuff that you were alluding to and so I'm curious.

Timmy Gallagher

Timmy Gallagher
Um, m.

How did that show up or how was that created in your rite of passage or was it created or was there ah another sort of symbolic thing that took its place. You know I don't I'm not certain and I don't want to you know, open the book and and ruin it and pearls the swine and give away the gold. Um.

Timmy Gallagher

Timmy Gallagher

If if that is the case but I'm just curious. Yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, great question actually and and again I would recommend if anybody's interested I rely on Richard Ror the franciscan who's out in New Mexico um Adam's return and wild man to wise man 2 excellent books.



Timmy Gallagher
On these patterns. Um, there's a day of separation. There's a day of grief. There's a day of initiation and to create that ultimate initiation experience. We've already ah been in silence so we're. Taking away from the more right? There's been fasting so we're telling the body. No no, no, no, no, you're not in control I'm doing this part of something bigger. So there's a ah limiting. There's a letting go and then we give the men an opportunity to go to a sacred split space. Happen to use these genuine tepe and in there they can. There's they can ritually wound themselves. They can Mark themselves where their wound is and I'll mention to you somewhat anecdotally it's interesting. We don't.


Timmy Gallagher
You could go into Tep and do nothing or you could take this red dauber and wound yourself where you're wounded Aaron there's guys that come out with red all over them. There's there's guys that and we don't tell men to do this and these are Gru and they come out.


Timmy Gallagher
Naked with the red on them and they just naked it off into the woods which for those that don't get it I'm not going to try to convince you. But for those that are getting it. Wow Can it get any more vulnerable than that and interestingly enough many men do wound themselves in their penis area.


So yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
You know because it's such a phallic male symbol. Um, so there's that and then when you're out in nature that day you're to go and find a place that speaks to you and you stay there. You don't move for about 5 hours


Timmy Gallagher
And during that time we give you ah 5 ah envelopes to open about every hour which you just go by feel. There's no watch. There's no phones and I mentioned to you the first message is the life is hard because if.

Timmy Gallagher
Man if we don't learn that life is going to be difficult. We're not going to get it and usually pain dealing thing strong enough to get our ego out of the way you know pain is the touchstone of all spiritual growth. Jesus is the quintessential example the next one is.

Yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
And you're probably going to see this coming. Guess what? you're gonna die if we don't understand that armor. Our life is just a speck in time you think this is it. You're missing it. This is why we can participate in the body and blood of Christ in the mystery of Christ. Number 3 is you're not that important you have to have humility humility goes back to the word hummus which is of the earth you are from the earth you'll return to the earth the only right? you really have is to love and forgive. That's what the gospel tells us about. Number 4 is you're not in control. Hell I just explained how your brain doesn't even work. Well for you, let alone everything else and until that illusion is taken away from you. You're gonna think you're all that which in our western society particularly are white male.

Exactly right.

Timmy Gallagher
Egoic Westerner Society It's problematic and then number five your life is not about you and that's the summary experience because really what you are about is life and then we you come back. We do more rights and enters a feast.


Timmy Gallagher
And then the next day we unpackage what we call the Comma wonderful which is putting this all together but you can't get to the positive until you have the negative you know where you what we're not you you know swipe right? I got a date click on an app I've got food. Back in the day it was you and I'd have to go hunt for that. You know it's just so easy. So Pritified. So What do we need to do every now and then like I did the other day go away cut it off do with less and you will get the more because.

Yeah. And.

Timmy Gallagher
You you are supposed to be. You were born with just all we go through its veils that cloud it and cloud it once I saw through glass darkly now I see face to face. You know it's removing that and that's what the rates of Patrick leaks cease to do is. Teach that young man that there's something bigger than you.

And so as part of your coaching and and performance. Do you put on these rite of passage for for men then is that is that like a big part of because it say like you're speaking ah of it like you're leading it. Um.

Timmy Gallagher
It's a great question. Ah.

Yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, ah I don't I would I would I help out when I can with Alumin or you know like guys like you. Um, what? what I would submit to you is that true coaching is transformational.


Timmy Gallagher
So it's like many initiations. It's many dyings of yourself to get to your true self. Yeah, you follow you get that? Um, because really a good coach isn't about they don't provide answers. They just provide questions. Life is really about having a better question. Not the right answer because once you think you have the answer Guess what.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Timmy Gallagher
You don't have the answer anymore you got you got to go deeper now. Yeah.

Ah, yeah, what? yeah well in the and the more base version of that is like setting a goal and then you get to your goal and you think that oh that was going to be the thing and then you do it and it becomes so antic-climactic even if it's massive and significant and there is a struggle and.

Timmy Gallagher
Um, yeah, yeah.

You're like oh and and this is it and oh and I'm the same person I was right before I I did it and so why did I do all this and what you know and it just opens up so much more and and oftentimes it can lead to a bad place. Um, but or you can be open to the spirit and it would.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Timmy Gallagher
Yeah, yeah, yeah to your to your point. what what I tell clients is out of every circumstance or outcome which is often a topic for a coaching call. There's a gift or opportunity. Yeah, which which is really the message of Jesus of.

Lead you to maybe a better place and a better question like yours then.

And a.

Timmy Gallagher
Your tragedy is your triumph your dying is your birth. You know your your children you may have thought of this when when they were in your wife's womb for them to come out. They're thinking I'm dying. This is my world. This is my life. Why am I being expelled from it. And and why are you cutting the cord to my universe I'm dying. But we're here knowing it's life. It's the same thing when we go to the other side. It's just another doorway and what's what's really neat about that is so I believe that when the baby is born.


Timmy Gallagher
The mother is not another person. The mother is me the mother is we I came from there that's part of me the first true other is the man which is exactly why you hear of all these like father wounds and father hunger and daddy issues.



Timmy Gallagher
Which is why unless that man is truly a positive male spiritual role model because you become at that time the substitute for the image of god because you're the first other.


Timmy Gallagher
And I look at what I dealt with as a cop and those men most of crime was done by men did not have a positive spiritual male role model and I was actually told that in an interview of a a guy ah where we were locking up I wrote a piece about it and he confirmed that.

Timmy Gallagher
Absolutely yep, know these patterns are ancient. They're cultural. They're societal and we need to bring them it back which is why it was so refreshing when I heard you and your podcast I'm like I I almost just sent an name of like just have me on I'll explain later.

5 hey yeah.

Ah, ah well I'll tell you what? Ah to me this has been in credible and I know it's just the snowflake on top of the tip of the iceberg that is right? not only your coaching but.

Timmy Gallagher

Experiences that that you've had where you can fill fill that role a bit right? as the positive spiritual male role model. But more importantly, help people seek and find good. You know, positive spiritual Male male role models and help people understand where they're maybe confusing some of their more base um saboteur minds and can engage with with the Sage. So I Just want to.

Timmy Gallagher

I just want to say one this this time was absolutely my incredible pleasure I was I'm super honored to to have you on the leaders of leaders podcast um man this this went a thousand times better than I was expecting it to go and I thought it would go really? Well I was like oh yeah, this is great. Is gonna be great conversation stuff but it just my that my thought of it my romantic ideal of it paled in comparison to the real deal. So thank you so much. Tim me for coming on.

Timmy Gallagher
I Appreciate you having me I truly do and if I said anything wrong, That's on me if I said anything good Give that one to God Yes, indeed indeed indeed.

As it should be. Thank you.